Tuesday, 05 December 2023 by Michael Robertson

I am very sorry to have to tell you of the sudden passing of Raymond Stone and offer our sincere condolences to both his family and Brighouse Bridge Club.


We are very lucky in this local area to have a number of clubs offering us the opportunity to play bridge. Brighouse, Halifax, Shelley and Stocksmoor as well as Huddersfield are all in relatively close proximity. This leads to the great situation where several people are members at different clubs at the same time and people like me who only play at one venue, get to meet a wider variety of players.

When Ray came to our club to play as a member, he could concentrate on the cards, the company and the conversation. He had a great sense of humour, was very generous in helping others with their bridge and someone I greatly enjoyed playing against and with, most recently in our Wimpenny Trophy. He brightened our evenings.


While his passing will of course be very greatly felt by his family and Brighouse Bridge Club, we here at Huddersfield are also very sad to hear the news .


I will let members know of any funeral arrangements if appropriate, in due course.


Michael 5/12/24