Wednesdays: 7.00 Duplicate Bridge - no partner required
Thursdays: 10.00 Duplicate Bridge - no partner required
This relaxed session is No Fear Bridge. Approximately 18 boards in a relaxed style, finishing by 12.30 at the latest. The norms of bridge will apply, but the emphasis is on fun, enjoyment and learning, rather than on winning or obtaining masterpoints.
All players are expected to arrive no later than 10 minutes before the start of play to assist with the organisation, and to enable the session to start on time.
Notice o EBU Masters Pairs, hosted by Wakefield, on Sunday, 23rd February.
Details are on the EBU Website competitions page, but briefly: Start 13.00, Cost £7 per head, bring own lunch, tea and biscuits available all afternoon; entries to:
Stephen Hanslip: [email protected]
Committee Meeting Summary
This week’s committee meeting was the one originally postponed when we had snow – remember that terrible week when we had no bridge and had to talk to people?
Special counsellors are still available at the club on Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening etc etc
To give ourselves lots of time to opinion, fall out and agree a way forward we met well away from a bridge session on Thursday afternoon:
Here are some of the highlights with the full minutes available...