Yorkshire League Teams Results

Tuesday, 05 December 2023 by Elizabeth Greensides
All four teams were in action on Sunday December 3rd in the last round of fixtures before the winter break and the matches involved three local derbies. Congratulations to everyone who played, on a successful day. 

Huddersfield A and C Teams welcomed Brighouse Buccaneers and Crusaders with the shared members on both clubs’ teams adding to the competitiveness. I am pleased to report that after a huge final round our A team snatched a victory from the jaws of defeat, winning 13-7 with the C Team also winning but this time much more comfortably at 20-0. Star players for the A Team Ken and Betty Baxter, and Pam Hall and Alan Stephenson. Star players for the C Team David Ford and Marco Corradi.  Also Linda Tempest and Brian Faichney

 The third derby was an away match for our B team who made the short journey to play Shelley B and returned with a 16-4 victory to remain undefeated this season.  Star players Nigel and Maria Walker. 

The D Team continued their bridge education with an 18-2 defeat at home to Ilkley C.

 Thank you to everyone who took part, baked something to share and a special thank you to Ann Bailey ( Head Tea Lady) and Margaret Gill ( Trainee Tea Lady) who came in especially to help with the catering at teatime.

 We are thinking of selling tickets for the next A Team home game as we are expecting a large crowd because Lew Clark is baking a cake and no one will want to miss that, despite diets probably starting in the new year!

Until then, enjoy a well-earned rest from league bridge which starts again on Sunday 18th Feb 2024.

Michael and Carrie 04/12/23