Following or committee meeting today to review the results of asking all members their opinion about the future location of Huddersfield Bridge club, I write to confirm that the decision has been made to move Huddersfield Bridge Club to Lockwood. A big majority of members who expressed an opinion, wished to move and this was endorsed by a big majority of the committee this afternoon.
The results were as follows:
Number of members eligible to vote 177.
Number of votes cast 133.
Turnout 75.1%
Count of votes
Allow committee to decide 31.
Move to new premises 75.
Stay 25
Abstain 2
Did not vote 44.
Votes were received and collated by Liz Greensides.
Results checked by Mike Woodward & Diane Horton
Therefore, work will now commence to design a club layout fit for the future and to negotiate both the sale of the premises at Cambridge Road and the financial arrangements at the new location.
There is a lot of work to be undertaken and as well as keeping members informed, the committee will also be calling on members to help especially those with relevant skills.
Thank you all for your time and attention in this matter to date and in what I hope to be an exciting time for Huddersfield Bridge Club going forward.