Tuesday, 26 September 2023 by Elizabeth Greensides
Committee Meeting Highlights

Committee Meeting Highlights 

The minutes of last nights committee meeting are published in full for the members as usual on the website. However here are some highlights in shortened form:

Bridge Club Premises

Hazel Barker newly arrived on the committee, will take over responsibility for the current premises from Katie Thorpe with a remit to keep the club safe, “working” and structurally sound for members to play bridge. Katie has been given the remit to look at the future of the premises and if possible, to return to the committee with a proposal or indeed proposals, for a more “fit for purpose” bridge club. This may include a proposal to move to a more suitable premises, but any decision will be made by all members and trustees sometime in the future. It is likely to be sometime in 2024 before any options for consideration will be available.

Charity Month

The committee have designated November charity month and will allow members to donate alongside their usual table money (if they wish to do so) to four different charities -one per week. Members are requested to nominate charities for inclusion and the successful nominations will be published before November commences, so you know who you are donating to each week.

Wimpenny Trophy

For the first time since reopening the club we will run an internal competition. The Wimpenny Trophy for teams of 4, will be organised one Tuesday or Wednesday night this autumn. Details tbc.


New tablets and website on the way from October. Keep pushing those Bridgemate buttons and squinting at the screens for one more month please.   

Sit Outs

We all hate a “sit out” don’t we? We don’t come to the bridge club to whisper to our partner for 20 minutes, as they might point out a poor lead or our ambitious bid while everyone else is getting on with their next mistake. Unfortunately, there is not a lot we can do to avoid them so after a lengthy discussion (the longest one at the meeting) prompted by “observations” from some members, we have decided the following:

Members are asked to arrive whenever they like (in time for play), sit wherever they like and make up full tables where they can. The last pair to arrive who constitute a half table, will also be able to choose the orientation they wish to play and condemn half the room to a sit out. The TD will always have the right to ask some members to change positions or tables to facilitate a sensible movement and a smooth night’s play.

This may not agree with your personal preferences for coping with “sit outs” but I assure you all options were argued for and against before a vote was taken. The Bridge club committee remains a shining example of democracy in action, in a world of lawsuits, dictators and individuals out for personal gain, so this is the system which will be used and not up for debate again for a year. Please take your sit out with good grace with only the odd insincere smile allowed at the late arrivals. 
