Wednesdays: 7.00 Duplicate Bridge - no partner required
Thursdays: 10.00 Duplicate Bridge - no partner required
This relaxed session is No Fear Bridge. Approximately 18 boards in a relaxed style, finishing by 12.30 at the latest. The norms of bridge will apply, but the emphasis is on fun, enjoyment and learning, rather than on winning or obtaining masterpoints.
All players are expected to arrive no later than 10 minutes before the start of play to assist with the organisation, and to enable the session to start on time.
The Charity Donation week raised £131, which as indicated, will be passed onto the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) via a personal cheque so that the YAA can claim the 25p per pound Gift Aid. According to my calculations this will generate a further £32.75 giving a total of £163.75.
Once a receipt has been received from YAA this will be displayed on the upstairs notice board.
Thank you to all who donated to this worthy cause.