Summary of Minutes, Committee Meeting, Thursday, 23rd Jan

Monday, 27 January 2025 by Michael Robertson

Committee Meeting Summary


This week’s committee  meeting was the one originally postponed when we had snow – remember that terrible week when we had no bridge and had to talk to people?


Special counsellors are still available at the club on Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening etc etc


To give ourselves lots of time to opinion, fall out and agree a way forward we met well away from a bridge session on Thursday afternoon:


Here are some of the highlights with the full minutes available in the usual place:


  1. The following changes are to apply when we move premises which we expect to be over the weekend of March 8/9th. Therefore, our last session at Cambridge Road is due to be on Thursday 6th March and our first session at our new home is due on Monday 10th March


  • Table Money will be increased to £3.50 per session but will include a tea/coffee and a biscuit
  • Tuesday and Wednesday Evening Sessions will start at 6.45pm. Please be in place at your table by 6.30pm each evening.
  • Two new sessions will be offered with David Charlton as TD. They will be on a Tuesday morning at 10am and a Thursday evening at 6.45pm.


  1. These moving dates need to be met as our “lease” allowing us to continue playing at Cambridge Road runs out the following week. With Kevins reassurance we are confident they will be achieved, and his men are hard at work as you read.
  2. Cambridge Road has been spruced up and prepared for moving thanks to Liz and her band of the willing (& oppressed). We will need some help moving in March so watch your emails and keep that weekend free please.
  3. We are determined that the new club will be to the highest standard we can afford and to that end I am really pleased to say we have been in receipt of some donations by individuals that have helped offset some costs or allowed us to make higher standard choices. Any further voluntary donations will be gratefully received and put to good use.
  4. We are planning an official opening event on Sunday 25th May 2025. Details are to be decided but we needed to book a caterer and allow you to put it in your diary. Unfortunately, the open top bus has already been booked by Town in anticipation of them clinching promotion before/on that weekend.


There is lot of work going on behind the scenes involving different members.


On behalf of you all I want to say to all of those involved, we really do appreciate your time and efforts.





P.S. Record post covid attendance on Thursday 23rd Jan with 14 full tables in play!