Further Update on Move to Oasis

Friday, 24 January 2025 by Elizabeth Greensides

The volunteer morning went very well last week, and most of the clearing has now been done. 


There are one or two items of furniture in the entrance hall of No 4, which can be taken by members - free, or a small donation if you wish. The books are all in the bar area, and can be taken ... they will be removed early in February and taken to charity/given to another club, so please take what you wish. 


We will be needing further volunteers as we get to the stage of moving furniture, crockery etc across to the new venue - please look out for requests for help. 


The boards are being written up by Maureen and will be arranged in a file for memory/history.


We have a volunteer to organise a first aid box and a couple of members who have kindly volunteered as first aiders. 


Peter will be the new Bidding Box monitor  to keep our systems in order. 


Heather has audited and cleaned the trophies, which are now ready for collection.


Thank you from the committee to all our movers and shakers, and all the above!